Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mondello Superbike Championship 23/05/2010

I went back to Mondello, this time for the bike races and with better access. The weather was great, perhaps not the best for shooting but I got a few that are acceptable.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mondello Races 09/05/2010

I went to the Mondello Park races on Sunday. It was totally different to what I would normally shoot but great to try something new. I normally just watch races... We didn't have a press pass so it was all down to trying to shoot through the holes in the fence. The pit area was all open though and that's where I got something to show from the day. The clouds were lovely and fluffy and served well as a backdrop. I need more practise with shooting moving objects so going back in two weeks time. Motorbikes!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Little Monet setting in Dublin

There are a few trees along the canal that reminds me of some of the settings from some Monet's paintings. I took a few photos to maybe use as a reference when I start painting again. I would like to try out and do my own Monet versions.